Sharing our Learning
So parents can follow the learning of their children we use the online learning journey Tapestry. This allows us to photograph the children during play and explain the learning occurring in relation to the EYFSP. It also enables parents to upload pictures from home to add to their child's profile providing wider evidence of their child's learning.
Communication and Language is one of the prime areas of development within the EYFSP. To support our teaching of this we use elements from Every Child a Talker to encourage our children to engage with each other and to use and explore new vocabulary. We support communication in Class One by using Makaton and teach the children new signs on a weekly basis. ECat helps to boost confidence and provides the children with the opportunities to share their own experiences.
We upload an ECaT sheet each week which includes a weekly song, our focus book for the week, Makaton signs and a list of suggested activities to continue learning at home. Our children love completing their ECaT tasks and are always very proud to show their friends the work they have completed at home. The work is shared using Tapestry and we print photographs of the children's work so they can be displayed in the classroom.