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Assessment in Music

In all subjects there are three broad areas for assessment:

- Children’s knowledge and understanding


- How well children can use and apply their knowledge, understanding and skills at the end of a unit of work to complete an independent (of an adult) task or challenge.


- How well learners are developing habits for learning and character


Teachers assess music in 4 different ways. These are:

- Making informal judgements on the learner’s work, their attitudes, increasing skills, knowledge and understanding through observation. These observations can be recorded on lessons plans so that teachers can (continuously) assess as the children progress through the units.  


- End of Key Stage expectations with the expected musical learning broken down for each year group. Teachers can then use their informational observations they have gathered throughout the year to assess whether they feel each child is working below, working at, or working above the music expectations for their year group.


- A digital evidence storage facility on their classes E profile on Charanga. Teachers can use this to build a digital portfolio of video and pictures of work that children have done throughout the year. This can then be referred back to when making decisions about a child’s level in music.


​​​​​​​- Children also have a music passport that is completed at the end of every year and follows the child through school with them in their pupil portfolio. This is a quick way to see a child’s progression in music throughout their time at primary school.